Using only shape layers, the shape tool and perhaps a handful of other plain, formal elements, please make a short animation set to music. Pick a piece of (preferably) instrumental music. Make what you consider to be a “Motion Graphic” with the skills we’ve learned so far in After Effects that shows us what the music “looks like” with your formal and motion choices. Please use just formal elements (minor bitmaps or jpgs are okay, but not as backgrounds or main elements). Consider pacing, rhythm, and how formal decisions relate to temporal ones. Make sure your animation has an intentional beginning, middle, and end.


Shape layer basics.
After Effects Apprentice 14 - Shape Layers
Get through at least chapters 1, 2, and 3, Shape Layers, Multiple Shape Paths, and Shape Effects… This will give everyone a good foundation for starting to play around with shape layers. But you can do the whole thing if you want.

Syncing with Sound.
Editing and Animating to Sound with AE
Animating to Music

For those of you looking for royalty free, safe to use sound effects and music, here are some options to look into:


